MERRY GO IN THE ROUND Recorded on a moving Carousel is a unique and exciting souvenir from Seabreeze Park in Rochester, NY. This one-of-a-kind recording captures the magical experience of riding on a classic carousel, complete with the sound of the carousel music and the laughter of children. The recording is perfect for anyone who loves nostalgia, amusement parks, or simply wants to relive the joy of riding a carousel. Made with high-quality materials, this product is sure to be a cherished keepsake for years to come. Bring the fun of Seabreeze Park home with MERRY GO IN THE ROUND Recorded on a moving Carousel.
1. 76 Trombones
2. The Carousel Waltz
3. You'll Never Walk Alone
4. If I Were A Rich Man
5. Matchmaker, Matchmaker
6. With A Little Bit Of Luck
7. Wouldn't It Be Loverly
8. I'm Getting Married In The Morning
9. Oklahoma!
10.Medly - On Broadway, Yankee Doodle, You're A Grand Old Flag
11.The Ride Ends, Voices of Merrick Price, Allan Mueller, And Dave Kaspersin
Replica Wurlitzer 165 Band Organ made by Belgian organ builder Johnny Verbeek for Seabreeze Park.
Merry Go In The Round
The Verbeek Wurlitzer Band Organ At Seabreeze Park On Lake Ontario, New York
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SKU: 764738201923
$17.99 Regular Price
$5.00Sale Price